French Vanilla gets me on a rainy day
Get me to heaven with Crème Brûlée
Fix my mood with brownie ala mode
For heaven's sake, slice me some cheesecake
What cures a sick and sorry heart?
No! not a drink but a fresh seasonal fruit tart
Who'll need a lover if you got warm choco lava?
Fresh fruits dipped in a fountain of chocolate gnash
Everything will be gone after one little lash.
Angel food cake, tiramisu, and lemon meringue,
I'll make sure everything ENDS with a "bang!"
Apple ,pecan, key lime, oh! Cherry Pie
Cheers me up! So happy I could die.

Deep dark forest and chocolate truffles,
Chocolate Massacre, Strawberry SHOT trifles
Banana split, and dusted chocolate sufflé
Nothing can't be healed with hot fudge sundae.
Vanilla ice cream on soft batch chocochip cookies
I can pull this! No need for Julie Tearjerky.
I'll satisfy this sweet dessert cravings
I'll have a Dessert fiest! a Buffet! all eveningIt's Ok! I'm Okay now. I'm very convincing.
I'll just look forward for black arabica in the mourning.