Tuesday, January 24, 2012

To Catch A Thief

I was complete,
Single, yet concrete.
I needed no one,
And yet, You dare come.

Thinking I've been rescued,
From the curse of single-blessedness.
Thinking I've been removed,
From the companionship of loneliness.

But who left the door open
And let the heart ache in?
Who unlocked all my windows
And cored my soul shallow?

Who took the car key
And drove me crazy?
Who will take the blame
Of yielding me insane?

T'was you and your gracefulness,
T'was you and your evil ways,
I gave you the pass keys 
Only to betray me with a kiss.

We were "we " for so long,
And I forgive you for having wronged
But all the hurt, I can't take no more
Go back to the man you left me for.