Saturday, August 13, 2011
Mr. Needy
You got your blogs, and your social networks!
Who needs a shoulder to cry on?
You got all your pillows, and stuffed toys.
Who needs someone to dine with?
Eat alone! Or even better, don't eat at all.
Who needs someone to cheer you up?
You got all the funniest videos in earth on Youtube.
Who needs someone to teach you lessons you've missed
You got your books and your degree holding professors.
Who needs someone to share your secrets to?
Keep it in! Nobody really cares about your stupid secrets.
Who needs someone to keep you busy?
Who needs someone who makes you noisy?
Who needs someone you have to help everytime THAT someone needs you?
Who needs someone so needy?
And when you aint got nothing else to give, they'll turn their backs on you
When they've found someone else to need
They'll leave you needing them
Needing the funny times
Needing the funny talks
Needing the funny antics
Needing the funny situations
Needing the moments that you never want to end
Needing the moments that you got someone when you need a friend....
Saturday, July 30, 2011
:) ;(

You made me smile :)
I made you cry ;(
We made the mile
to say goodbye
Don't mind me,
Wasn't I the one who wronged?
Are you crazy?
Go off with the one you've longed.
I won't make you happy
I'm not the one for you
You'll only get sick with the stench of my past.
And though it would kill me,
I'm choosing not to stain you
my fragile precious little martini glass
He's smart, You're smart
I'm filthy and you aren't.
If love is based on compatibility
Then you're off to matrimony.
and me?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
What A Story

I've got a story
'bout this chick in this jeepney .
She was sitting facing me,
With her sun radiant hair
that blows, it flows like she doesn't care.
and then, she paid the fare
said "Morayta po", with exceptional poise
And there, I caught her sweet sweet voice
Pierced through my noise proof earphones
But oh!--Despair! I must have grown.
The chauffeur picked an inanimate character
An Antagonist, In this story of me and her
A story of me, her and him,
Turned to him, her, --and me?!
Prince Charming as what he may seem
But weren't you my destiny
He sat beside her
and suddenly she was his girl
I untangled my tongue
Oh Yes! I did.
But guess he was strong
Guess he didn't have a lid
Guess he practiced more
Guess he saw her before
And There They were,
All acquainted and all.
And here I am in the corner,
Writing 'bout my fall
Writing 'bout my discovery
of a beautiful jeepney journey
Yah! Their Beautiful Love story
Freakin' Love story.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
To The Dead People
This piece is dedicated to those who are dead
The one's who fleeted, gone, and departed
To Mr. Apolinario, who for me is our tallest hero
Who stood out with his polio, but now taken granted for.
To Rizal who left us, Noli and El Fili,
You brought to us to freedom and democracy
To Andres Bonifacio who raised his bolo and led,
We love you more now, even though you are dead.
To Ryan Dunn and your jackass antics
To James Dean and your immortal chick flicks
To Elizabeth Taylor, say hi to Michael for me.
Millions more, and to enumerate all would be impossible for me.
To Miss Monroe, who STILL sets the standard of beauty
To Michael who lived his whole life for his artistry,
To Likkle Miss Amy who owned the Grammy,
To Francis M who carved Hip Hop a space in our country,
Thank you for contributing to the music industry
I've always been a fan, and you're passing will never sink in to me.
To JC, but technically you lived again,
To Robert Frost, e.e. cummings and Albert Camus
I will always patronize and honor as I hold my pen
You are my Idols, and models I'll forever look forward to.
To Atty. Ador, the man I'll always adore.
You left me with this life, but you left mom with a strife.
I don't blame you, I can never blame you.
I now If you had choice, you'd pick to be with your lil boys.
I now how much you love us, But now you're there with Jesus.
Thank you for leaving us with great memories,
I'll try my best to follow your tracks.
"To dance with my father" by Luther Vandross
would always be my favorite track.
This piece is dedicated to those who are dead
The one's who fleeted, gone, and departed,
To the people who lived and left,
and to the living, please give some respect.
Friday, July 22, 2011
A Stand
How I got to you
I forgot it all
You know, me and you.
Well, you never called
And why should I text you.
And now everything has changed
With wounding words interchanged.
Well you weren't that perfect
As you claim you are.
I'm not the one with the defect.
I just know, We ain't gonna go far
Yeah! We lost that flare
Whut?! I never thought you cared
Well, You were busy
With all your so-called "priorities"
That I never really thought you saw me
and this thing we have that we call WE.
And I've made up my mind
You are no longer mine
and I ain't gonna waste time
Bitter wouldn't be a good rhyme.
I'm choosing where I choose me
And I'm choosing to be free
And if ever in the future you see me
Just see me as another stranger,
And after a few days, a month a year
You wont be remembered,not even close to familiar.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Someone Else

I wont sing you serenades.
I wont buy you flowers.
I wont make you lemonades.
No! I won't be your lover.
I wont lend you my shoulders.
My company wont be served free.
I would never touch you with a finger,
Nor tie a yellow ribbon on that old oak tree.
No! I won't do those stupid things,
Though, I know I've already fallen.
You don't know what future brings,
I know I can't give you heaven.
You're so perfect in so many ways
And to be with me would be such a waste.
You deserve someone with less baggage,
someone with just the right courage.
I want to be your knight in shining armor,
But I'll only give your life an unworthy tremor.
I want to climb for you the tallest stone wall,
But No! I guess I'm not your prince charming after all
I want to give you my lifetime, my forever and ever,
Oh! But I'm just a big stupid elusive dreamer.
I want to offer you my life, my mind, my soul,
But No! I guess I'm not your Mr. Right after all.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Beautiful Girl, Stay away

You brighten my day!
From this awefull gray
to a technicolor fay
What more if you said "Hey!"
Oh! butterflies will go cray-cray
In my belly, they'll go all ways
Guess Santa brought Christmas day
early with my gift in his sleigh
And a cute one, I must say.
Like a pink berry yogurt parfait,
When I'm red, only you propitiate.
Like a big musical play,
maybe gypsy or cabaret,
You also blow my heart away.
But please don't overstay,
Else, I'll look away
Coz you know, I need my right of way
It's just a little crush,more is jeopardy.
We don't want anything close to risqué
Love is not worth the child's play
and pain is not something you would replay.
So please! Please! Stop Brightening my days!
I'm single but yet to be available. Stay away.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Love story of Two Parallel Lines

I was here,
and You were there,
Needed to face my fear,
but I thought you didn't care.
I wanted to profess,
In this very slope where I lie
But the greatest tempest
Is I can't even tap and say Hi
It feels so lame, dunno why?
I know your name, but can't kiss you goodbye
This constant space,
I just can't erase.
Trickier than anything you've seen
and this must sound so obscene.
But how could you possibly meet me,
and finish this --so long journey
of pure and divine chemistry,
In this short but distant love story.
I was here
and you were there
Monday, July 4, 2011
The Night Before
-written on a thursday, the day before friday
Tommorrow I'd see her,
I wish I could see her,
Her with that graceful hair,
Her with that innate glare.
And all you could possibly do is stare.
I'd wish that I'd see her tommorrow,
As I've seen her before.
Then I'd tell her that her beauty overflows,
But then again, what for?
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The night went fine.
Wish that you, be with me,
and your heart, be mine
but I guess it's best,
we give we a rest,
these shenanigans and all
b'coz I know you won't fall.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Ring

Waiting-- Waiting--
Did it ring?-- nope
Can't believe what I'm doing
I ought to do something
Something to crack this safe
where my heart is in place
and maybe throw it away
or wait til it turns gray.
Hence, a change of heart
though it would tear me apart.
At least no more waiting
for this damn phone to ring.
Impugn who?

Are we an item
or am I a fool?
Thinking we were a tandem
is just breaking all your rules.
What's a partner
If you're only apart
tearin' each other
and trashing hearts.
You say forever
but we remain to suffer.
Babe, are we fakin'
then, let's cut it and get movin'
You said love
what a deadly phrase
more like that jab
the bruises you gave stays
Who's the real culprit
Fate, destiny, or cupid?
Us, meeting, is a horrible mistake
It's painful, bitter and somehow half baked.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy Poem
well just look at me!
i've lost my touch
can't you see?
this is all too much.
i've given you my all
but i can never pass a ball to the BALL
YOU are what YOU ask of me
the HAPPINESS that's been missing.
please give a piece back for my memory
for me to finally write a poem that's happy.
The Destined Aces

The game of cards
Must I play?
To the Queen of hearts
I must say
But how many lines
Does a poet have to write?
Just to say
The oldest cliché.
How many chips
Do I have to give?
Give me a tip!
When will you ever forgive?
How many dough
Do I have to bet?
Give me a clue!
When will you ever forget?
She loves me, She loves me not
She loves me, she loves me...
The clover leaf has said it
Therefore, to the couch I must sit.
Why should I let it ruin my mind?
When I know for a fact that you'll never be mine.
Be mine! Be mine!
And Now, to the losing table I must move away from
And the pot, the pot that they will never pocket,
Because I know the aces are engraved in my palm
But for now the game of cards must wait.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Ceteris Paribus of Love

Hands of time rests,
Space freezes,
Mind falls into a coma,
and body in sudden soma.
You-- walking by for three seconds,
seems a decade-- as I reckon.
It's like I'm always on call,
to be under your control
Where you always press pause,
and that! is probably the real cause.
Yeah!-- maybe that's it.
Toying with me must be a treat.
I wish you'd pour grease
on this entwined tongue.
Confession is never a breeze,
And wounds WILL last long.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Cherry me up

No! not a drink but a fresh seasonal fruit tart
Who'll need a lover if you got warm choco lava?
Fresh fruits dipped in a fountain of chocolate gnash
Everything will be gone after one little lash.
Angel food cake, tiramisu, and lemon meringue,
I'll make sure everything ENDS with a "bang!"
Apple ,pecan, key lime, oh! Cherry Pie
Cheers me up! So happy I could die.
Deep dark forest and chocolate truffles,
Chocolate Massacre, Strawberry SHOT trifles
Banana split, and dusted chocolate sufflé
Nothing can't be healed with hot fudge sundae.
Vanilla ice cream on soft batch chocochip cookies
I can pull this! No need for Julie Tearjerky.
I'll satisfy this sweet dessert cravings

It's Ok! I'm Okay now. I'm very convincing.
I'll just look forward for black arabica in the mourning.
06/29/2011(my 19th birthday)-AMP-