Thursday, July 28, 2011

What A Story

I've got a story

'bout this chick in this jeepney
She was sitting facing me,

With her sun radiant hair

that blows, it flows like she doesn't care.
and then, she paid the fare
said "Morayta po", with exceptional poise

And there, I caught her sweet sweet voice
Pierced through my noise proof earphones
But oh!--Despair! I must have grown.

The chauffeur picked an inanimate character

An Antagonist, In this story of me and her
A story of me, her and him,
Turned to him, her, --and me?!

Prince Charming as what he may seem
But weren't you my destiny
He sat beside her

and suddenly she was his girl
I untangled my tongue
Oh Yes! I did
But guess he was strong

Guess he didn't have a lid

Guess he practiced more

Guess he saw her before

And There They were,
All acquainted and all.
And here I am in the corner,
Writing 'bout my fall

Writing 'bout my discovery

of a beautiful jeepney journey

Yah! Their Beautiful Love story
Freakin' Love story.

07/28/11 -AMP-


  1. Hi dear.
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    Kisses, Alinne


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